Wood wool cement factory opens in Kazakhstan
A factory to produce Albolite, also known as wood wool cement, has launched operations in Kazakhstan.
“Yernazarov and Co LTD produces albolite bricks. Albolite is a unique construction material, which consists of processed wood chips bonded with M500 cement and which contains mineralisers,” according to the company.
Albolite is known to have high thermal insulation, thus it is not a combustible material, and consequently it does not dry out or rot. Depending on the thickness of a brick, it is possible to build two and three-storey residential constructions, as well as industrial, agricultural, warehouse buildings with relative air humidity in premises of no more than 75 percent.
The plant currently produces 15 cubic meters in an eight-hour shift, which does not meet the growing demand for wood wool concrete. The company also plans to build an albolite bricks producing plant with a capacity of 12,000 cubic meters per year in Astana.
Reported by the Astana Times.
Source: www.newsline.kz
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